Monday, 31st of July, 2000
Once in Rome, the first place I wanted to visit was the Coloseum. It is a big thing, that reminds with the famous movie "Gladiator"! This nice pic was taken by a Japanese young lady, who searched for a good place for the photo!!
Advice: Always ask the Japs to take you a photo whenever you need!! :)
Lots of people in front of the Coloseum waiting to get in! But I had just less than 15 minutes for photo-taking!! :)
I found this arc de triumphe! I thought the French only got one!
Piazzo Venezia! After 15 minutes, it was lunch time!
Here is the Pantheon. On the other side, there was McDonald's! This is an Egyptian obelisk!
The City of the Vatican
Basilica Saint Pietro (St. Peter)
City of the Vatican
Sistine Chapell
Near the Spanish steps (Spagna)

Tuesday, 1st of August, 2000
This is the young girl who wanted to take a photo with me, and later on I discovered that her mother is Egyptian from Cairo!!
Check the story on day 3
Saint Angelo castle, on the ponto of something! :)
This is on the Odysseus. LtR:Adam Schott, myself and Nasser AlDamer

Wednesday, 2nd of August, 2000
Stromboli Volcano ....but No problem! :)
LtR: Erin, myself and Amir near Sicily
Maria Khalifa with me in front of Sicily
LtR: Nasser AlDamer, Crystal and myself

Thursday, 3rd of August, 2000
The Ambassador's ball. I know Patrick, Maria and myself!
Sam (tres cool!) and myself!
Anna (formidable) and myself!
LtR: Jennie, myself and Sam

Friday, 4th of August, 2000
My last pre-port talk. Look at the transparency, and you will see the definition of an Egyptian! :)

Saturday, 5th of August 2000
First breakfast in Alexandria
LtR: ??, Jennie, Sam and myself
LtR: The Griswolds, myself and Jobbi
The most friendliest Randy Lewis and myself
LtR: Jennie, myself and Mandi..before our adventure in Alexandria
In the coptic church, with the girl scouts
