* Time: mid
May, 2000
I met Dean Montassir in her office.
She asked me to contact NASCO tours, which is the travel agency to which
I am supposed to arrange with them the details of my travel to Italy. I
knew at that moment my exact role, which is the interport student of Egypt
in the Summer 2000 trip of Semester
At Sea. I also learned some of the functions of an interport student.
* Time: between
9th of June to the 23rd of July
My first encounter with the outside
world. I was in Austria, doing my practical summer training in the university
of mountain sciences in Leoben. During this long stay, I learnt so
many things either on the scientific or personal levels.
* Time: 27th
of July, 2000
I successfully got the VISA for Italy!!
Then..the 7 days will start. Get ready
for the story..the detailed story that I tried to include all the tiny
details in!