Allah Akbar Bism Allah
It was in that great day..more than 25 years ago...
when the Egyptian Soldier said to himself that the land should not stay one more day away in the hand of the filthy Israelis....
It should return back to its own people....
He knew that the time of legends has passed....and ended.....
He knew that if he did not move, he would be in the black list of history...
Armed with his strongest weapons: his faith...he opened his breast to the enemy's fire
and by saying:
  Victory was achieved.....
Remarking that great day...may Allah blessings be on all our fighters..the martyrs who sacrificed their lives for the hope of Shahada....
See you next year inshaa Allah in Palestine and Golan....!

 What was he thinking about ? 
His family...his country...his life.... 
or about the raped land ??
  Did not he think that a bullet might short him dead? did not he remember his family?
Barlef denfense line.....a big piece of mud
The Egyptian eagles..shotting the enemies
Fire !! Get that dirty Israeli down.... 
Wait !!! keep him alive  
We want him to taste the bitterness of defeat !!

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