program was established in the middle of this century. The aim of this
program was to search for the existence for alien civilization, through
listening to any radio waves coming from outer space. Afterwards, the discovery
of the quasars, and other radio-emitting stellar objects gave more support
to the project in establishing a sky map for all these objects. Yet, it
didn't receive the "expected" message yet. Recently, SETI was frozen because
of financial problems. The National Science Foundation (NSF) saw that it
is more appropriate to allocate their budget for practical research projects
that bring revenues, especially because the probability of finding an alien
civilization is still low. "Contact" discussed the problem of financial
support to conceptual research. It also showed the importance of the support
of private companies to research. Hadn't it been for R. S. Hadden, the
wealthy engineer in the story, who offered financial support for Arroway,
she wouldn't have received the alien's message.
story was not only a scientific one. It has also some conceptual points.
For example, the message that was received was written in numbers, because
Sagan imagined that math is the universal language that nobody can deny!
Other movies used light, music, and other ways of communication with aliens.
story dealt with one of the most important dreams of modern physics, which
is space travel. The main problem is that the universe is very vast in
space. For example, the nearest star to our Sun (Centauri) is located 4
light years from planet earth (i.e. light from planet earth takes 4 years
to reach it). Accordingly, there was an impossibility barrier for space
The author, Carl Sagan,
imagined that this problem could be solved if the space traveler is allowed
to go through a black hole or heavenly object that allows space-time travel.
However, we all know that if somebody goes through a black hole, it definitely
won't be his lucky day!! Accordingly, Sagan sent a manuscript of his novel
to Caltech famous Physicist Kip S. Thorne. As Thorne said: "He (Sagan)
called me saying : I have just finished writing a story about the first
Alien Contact, and I wanted you to check whether I got the general relativity
right or wrong."
At this point, Thorne
worked out general relativity. He found out that space travel in the way
Sagan wanted would be possible, provided that the traveler passed through
the so-called "wormhole". The wormhole is a result of the general relativity
equations. It is like a gate between extreme locations of the galaxies
or, as others view, between universe(s)!
Regarding this aspect,
Sagan was unique among others science fiction writers. He insisted to find
a scientific foundation for his novel. As Thorne believed, Sagan did not
follow everybody's approach by saying that it is impossible because we
don't have the technology. Rather Sagan asked himself whether it is possible
or not provided that the technology existed "somewhere".
The interesting story
goes on, expecting the reaction of religious and political leaders to this
message. Arroway, Sagan's heroine, appeared as an agnostic scientist, following
the scientific concepts. For example, regarding existence of God, Sagan
said, on the tongue of Arroway, that God existence cannot be proven or
denied scientifically. However, at the end, science represented in Jodie
Foster and religion represented in Matthew McConaughey walked together
hand in hand. One cannot comment on this except by Albert Einstein's quote:
" Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind."
That movie, with all
its controversial ideas, and the scientific approach that the author followed
to give us this masterpiece sets the way for a new methodology in science
fiction literature.
(SETI Institute)
(Arecibo Radio Observatory)
(Very Large Array Radio telescopes, New Mexico)
· Carl Sagan's